Aviram Art Gallery has been a trusted establishment for over 30 years, located at Sarona, Tel Aviv. Isaac Aviram, the experienced gallery owner has expanded his activities to the US and opened a wholesale and retail art gallery in 2000 known as A&E Fine Art Inc. located at Fair Lawn, New Jersey.
Isaac Aviram’s rich experience in dealing with fine art and marketing art for more than thirty years has earned him a valued reputation and has provided talented artists with superb representation. Isaac’s knowledge of the art world and his passion for art has fed his success in representing new artists and their respective talents.
A&E Fine Art and Aviram Art are featuring both known and new upcoming artists and show a large number of paintings, serigraphs, giclées, and sculptures.
Due to Isaac’s vision and creative designs, Isaac is also a consultant for hotels, offices and interior designers
Isaac’s impressive career has allowed him to represent artists such as Agam, Kadishman, Ben Avram, Tarkay ,Tremler, Rozenvain, and Brutsky, to name a few.
Isaac has been exhibiting his clients' art all over the world including Europe, Australia, the United States, and China.
A&E Fine Art with its large and varied collections will exhibit this year at the most prestigious art fairs including Art Expo New York, Art Santa Fe, Art San Diego, the Shanghai Art fair and Red Dot Miami and is planning exhibitions in Asia as well.
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Issac exhibits internationally with his wide collections, he feels it is his duty to take new artists and help give them a name in the world. Issac will be exhibiting major Art fairs in 2019 & 2020
See all upcoming exhibitions.
Please feel free to contact us with questions or business interests.

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Janos Kardos
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Main Office & Showroom:
34-15 Broadway, Fair Lawn, NJ, 07410
Office 201-791-2250
Cell 551-238-0668
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If you have been to Israel recently, maybe just returning from the Sukkot holiday, you know that Israel has developed a thriving art scene, with visual content and styles ranging from Biblical to ultra-modern, religious to abstract. Isaac Aviram has been mentoring and representing Israeli artists for 30 years, first in Tel Aviv galleries and now from A&E Fine Art in Fair Lawn. Anyone interested in starting or adding to an art collection, perhaps to keep the connection with Israel visible every day, can arrange an appointment to take a journey through the world of Israeli art in A&E’s overflowing warehouse. Bring home a piece that calls to you, with an eye towards both aesthetics and investment.
Previously, A&E sold art from the Fair Lawn warehouse exclusively to galleries, auction houses and corporate buyers. This summer, Jennie Mohl joined the company as sales director to open the warehouse to the general public by appointment.
Isaac Aviram works with established and emerging artists, many who are Russian immigrants to Israel, and helps bring their work to a wider audience. He represents artists like Michael Rozenvain, who was born in Kiev in the Ukraine in 1963 and immigrated to Israel in 1990. Rozenvain has had a number of one-man shows and has been commissioned to paint murals and decorative elements in many public buildings. Aviram also represents older artists like Shmuel Katz, who was born in 1926 in Vienna. He escaped to pre-state Palestine but was first detained in Cyprus. It was there, with nothing else to do, that he began to draw. However, it wasn’t until the 1950s that he devoted himself to art and then built a world-class reputation. Other names known to knowledgeable collectors include Agam, Kadishman, Ben Avram, Tarkay, Tremler and Brutsky.
While Israeli art has been Aviram’s specialty, he is always looking for new artists. With his travels around the world to participate in prestigious exhibitions and events, Aviram meets and represents artists of many nationalities. Learn more about artists represented by Aviram at https://www.aefineartgallery.com and on www.artAviram.com.
Aviram and Mohl will get to know your tastes and budget and help you sift through the A&E collection, priced from $100 to thousands. In addition to original paintings, A&E has serigraphs, giclees and sculptures. You can even exchange your art within a year, should you decide you want something different. You can comfortably purchase a gift or gift certificate for someone, knowing the recipient has the flexibility to choose what makes him or her happy. Other services offered by A&E include framing and appraisals. A&E also runs fundraising art sales for organizations with a professional, licensed auctioneer.
Art is both a personal pleasure and an investment. You want to love the work, but also understand its value. As Aviram is acting as both a wholesaler and retailer, with no one in the middle, his prices are much less than what a gallery would charge, bringing even more value to your purchase. If you’re a novice buyer, Aviram can help you learn how to evaluate art and grow in your understanding of technique and trends.
To arrange an appointment, contact Jennie Mohl, A&E Fine Art, by phone at 201-791-2250 or by email at jennie.artaviram@gmail.com.